On Monday night I heard Israel’s Ambassador to the Michael Oren speak. He was talking about the situation in Israel an how he was effected by Herzl’s dream of a Land for the Jewish people. Oren explaining the complex situation Israel faces. What started as a dream has become a reality through hard work and the collective dedication of many people. Dreaming is just the first part of making the seemingly impossible possible – a Sovereign Jewish State. Effort, stamina and dedication is what makes dreams come true.
Last night I was at www.jicny.com dating class. The teacher expressed the same idea. We all want meaningful, happy relationships and wonderful families. This too is a dream that comes with huge responsibility and constant hard work. How we think and how we act becomes part of who we will be later.
Some of the girls in the dating class expressed frustration with guys who say, “This is how I am, I cannot change”. While we shouldn’t go into a relationship with the hope a person will change, ideally, we want to know that your partner in life is a growth-oriented person. Like the challenge of sovereignty which Oren calls “messy” so is life. We cannot see into the future and know about financial stresses, illness, wayward kids, children with special needs. We have to be willing to work hard, stay focused, stay positive, be willing to grow and to rise to the challenges.
Metroimmas we all have dreams for our successes, our families health and happiness and our personal self actualization. The responsibility for all this begins today. Today is the day you go home and start working your dreams into reality.
Originally published: December 6, 2012