You have all been begging for the Shabbat in 1 hour menu. This is not for chefs who pride themselves on gourmet cooking. It’s for busy moms who want to wow their guests with a delicious meal, full of different flavors and colors, and make this happen in just 60 minutes of prep time. First you need to know the rules.
1. I do not make anything that cannot be made on high
2. I do not make anything that requires more than 5 minutes of prep time
3. I do not make anything that requires more than 1 pot
4. Avoid all vegetables that require peeling and hard work
5. Always stock chopped garlic, chopped ginger, and mustard
6. I buy pre-washed lettuce, cabbage etc. so I do not need to do the bug checking
The menu for 12:
First Course: Corn and dill soup
Second Course: Baked gefilta fish
Main Course: Marinated beef, Roast chicken, Couscous, Zucchini, Spinach salad and Cabbage salad
Corn soup (10 min)
2 cans corn kernels
2 cans creamed corn
4 tablespoons vegetable stock
2 liters of water
Fresh dill to taste
Add all ingredients, bring to boil and use hand held blender to lightly blend
Gefilta fish (5 min)
1 roll salmon gefilta fish
1 roll regular gefilta fish
Ground black pepper
Olive oil
Dried chopped onions
Unwrap frozen gefilta fish, baste with olive oil and then roll in dried onions, paprika and black pepper
Pop in the oven for 30 min on 350 F
Meat (10 min)
Cut of meat
BBQ sauce
Meat spice
2 onions
1 can crushed tomatoes
Chopped garlic
Spice defrosted meat with meat seasoning and 1 tsp chopped garlic
Add ½ cup ketchup
Add ½ cup BBQ sauce and 1 cup of coke ( coke is an amazing tenderizer)
Add 2 onions and can of tomatoes
Cover with foil and cook for 2 hours at 300 degrees
Then uncover and cook for 1 additional hour or until your required level of darkness
Rosemary chicken (7 min)
I only buy skinless breasts and drumsticks
Dried Rosemary
Olive oil
2 Onions
Baste the tray with a thin layer of olive oil. Spice the chicken with salt, pepper, rosemary and 1 tsp chopped garlic
Slice 2 onions
Pop in oven for 1 hour
Couscous (3 min)
1 box of Near East Couscous – choose your flavor
pine nuts
I do not follow the box instructions. I open the couscous into the serving dish. I add the required hot water, stir briefly and add 1 handful of pine nuts – otherwise plain couscous looks exotic and you are done in less than 3 minutes!
Zucchini (10 min)
6 green zucchinis
5 yellow zucchinis
1 container Turkish dip or capanata
1 tablespoon olive oil
Baste the tray with olive oil, slice zucchini in coins and cover with caponata or Turkish dip. Cook at 350 degrees for 20 minutes
Cabbage salad (7 min)
2 bags chopped cabbage
Ramen noodles
1 spoon oil
½ cup sugar
2 tablespoons soy sauce
½ cup brown vinegar
1 tsp whole grain mustard
½ tsp salt
Lightly toast crushed ramen noodles and 1 cup slivered almonds until light brown – about 2 minutes. Save these and add to salad just before serving so they maintain crunchiness.
All remaining ingredients for dressing can be boiled in a pot – 2 minutes
Add cool dressing to cabbage salad and mix
Spinach salad (5 min)
Washed baby spinach
1bag terra chips
1 cup cashews
1 tablespoon peanut oil,
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
1 tablespoon whole grain mustard
1 teaspoon sugar
Pinch pepper
Pinch salt
Display washed baby spinach in a large platter, add a layer of terra chips and sprinkle with cashews. Mix all ingredients for dressing in a cup and drizzle on salad – do not toss!
Add dressing just before serving.
So that’s your fish, soup and main including 2 meats, a starch, vegetable and 2 salads in 57 minutes
In the 3 minutes remaining you could make a Duncan Heines cake, or pour yourself a drink and savor the fact you just saved yourself hours!
Originally published: August 30, 2012
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